I have this tradition of reflection as my birthday draws near. Every year I look back at my past and think about what I've learned. So here's to year 24 and the 24 things I've learned.
1. Every experience builds upon other experiences. Trust the journey, even if it's unknown.
2. Trust yourself. It's important to receive guidance from people you trust but learn to listen to your own opinion as well.
3. After living in a van for a month, I've realized you don't need much to survive and be happy.
4. Comparison is the root of dissatisfaction.
5. Happiness is not based on a geographical place but on a state of mind.
6. It's important to not always look at your phone. Instead, meditate, journal, do yoga or read.
7. Forgive yourself. Yes, it'd be nice to wake up early, be productive, work out, eat healthy but some days it's not possible and that's okay.
8. Grace is vital in relationships. If you tell someone they're forgiven it is important you mean it and not hold it over their head.
9. Being nice to someone doesn't mean you have to trust them.
10. Piggybacking off of number 9, people need to earn your trust.
11. Just because you're coworkers doesn't mean you're friends.
12. Don't try too hard to control the future, take everything one day at a time.
13. When something is right you will know and when something is wrong you will know. Trust your intuition.
14. Social media does not tell the whole story.
15. Learn your love language and learn other's love languages. (If you're curious mine's quality time and physical touch.)
16. When traveling, don't always focus on getting the perfect picture. Set the phone down and really think about where you are and what you're doing. Maybe repeat it out loud to yourself, let it sink in.
17. Other's experiences do not undermine your experiences.
18. Opposite emotions can co-exist. It is possible to feel great sorrow and great joy at the same time.
19. Time really does heal all wounds.
20. Communication is key. It's not fair to be upset with someone and not tell them why.
21. A lot of times when you're mad it's really because you're hurt.
22. When you are hurt it's important to sit in the hurt. Embrace it and figure out what made you feel the way you feel.
23. Love is vulnerability.
24. Healing doesn't happen all at once. Sometimes it happens bit by bit, day by day. Healing doesn't have to be a grand gesture. Maybe healing is admitting you're hurt. Or maybe healing is getting on that flight. And just maybe, healing is searching for healing. Eventually, healing does come, it may not look or feel like you dreamt it would but it arrives. Light always overcomes darkness and good always triumphs bad. The human spirit is resilient and it really will all be made well.
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